As I'm coming in a bit late with this blog - all the hype, I assumed would've died down but it looks like I'm not the only passionate lover of my chosen vessel for technology. There's some pretty dedicated Apple and PC/Google lovers out there voicing their opinions not just in our class but all over the web and in our lives.
I'll just put it out there - I do not like Apple products. I have never liked Apple products. I don't even like iPods. I have no reason not to like them. I just didn't like them because they are Apple. I'm also a Graphic Designer. So it is assumed that I will love Apple. But I don't - I just don't. I cop a bit of slack about that from other designers but I can't help how I feel. I think they look like fun, shiny, toys but I have always thought they were stupid in terms of functionality and actually getting stuff done.
Yet, people do get stuff done on them. I see them do it and it amazes me. I felt it must be me! I just can't function not having all my options laid out in front of me, with tool bars of settings of options under sub-headings with little plus tabs, and the ability to go into properties like Microsoft allows you. A Mac lets you to an extent - but it never seems to let me do what I want. I even bought myself a Macbook Pro to learn to be able to "do the stuff" on it and found it way too restricting... oh and I got a virus on it somehow straight away. Oh, and it wouldn't system upgrade at all. Oh it also liked to do this thing where the screen died:
And the service I got from Apple was crap as they permanently bent my laptop a little bit prying it open, and did not actually fix the problem because I STILL COULD NOT UPDATE! So all these people saying Apple products are SO FAST and SO EASY. It was not for me. I guess apparently I don't like change - having grown up with a PC loving father who owned an Asian computer store (you know, those really cheap ones?) - I was taught in the ways of the PC.
Still, after a very insightful lecture on Apple vs Google by Ted last week (which I had been looking forward to for aaaages) - I now feel much more knowledgeable on both platforms. It's fascinating - the difference in ideologies and philosophies between Google and Apple.
Apple is all about being a "closed device" - a "walled garden." Why? - Firstly, A Better Experience - this is because they have completely designed your experience from start to finish making everything simple, to the point, swish and swanky. Secondly, Control - Apple acts at the gate-keeper, filtering out any malicious or 'crap" apps or anything they deem inappropriate and only allowing you things on their phone that they allow meaning a sterile, carefully policed device with less viruses. Morton Hjerde blogs about this and I particularly liked what he said here:
"The iPhone is currently a closed device with very basic functionality, but it has turned the "mobile phone world" on its head. Its a beautiful but expensive device. It does not do a lot, but what it does, it does better that anyone else. "
Google is all about being an OPEN SOURCE and FREE PLATFORM. An Open garden where they do not control the platform, content or the user. As such, there is no set standard of quality, no gatekeeper telling us what we can and can't have on our phones; Anyone can make Apps and upload it to the market (even malicious apps). The advantage? We are the ones in control, we have the choice to do what we want. We have the freedom and every opportunity is given to everyone to create more things for the platform and grow it. As Ted said, compared to Apple - which is just one company, albeit, a giant one - Android is now EVERY OTHER COMPANY working on improving the platform, apps and usability of the device.
Companies aside though, I really just love the idea that people are making and creating things for other people with the only benefit being to better the platform for themselves and others. I love the communal aspect of this - the human aspect of this - and despise the corporate philosophy of Apple which is against people working together for a common cause and better experience - instead - for dictating what users can and cannot have and for money.
I guess I am a bit of a hippy.
Financially, things get quite interesting too! This article says that "there's money in closed systems". However, it seems that while they are indeed a very popular company making a stack of money, basically all the other phone companies are using Android as their platform (Samsung, Motorola, HTC, LG, Huawei etc) and thereby simultaneously work together to clock up a pretty hefty amount of sales themselves. Sure, the profit doesn't go to Google in the way Apple does but it comes in other ways. And believe it or not, it looks like Australia has FINALLY caught up with the rest of the world! Android is now beating Apple in Australia.
GO AUSTRALIA. I now have respect for you again :)
1 comment:
Fwoar, about time Android comes out on top in Australia! Nice post Annie, I'm loving the background you're coming from (I totally wish I grew up with relatives who owned a PC store, but nope, I'm just the regular customer victim :P)
I actually find it surprising that you had that many problems with a Mac. I know they aren't as secure as people make them out to be, but virus/screen problems are the first to my ears. Unfortunate to hear about the shitty service you received on top of that too :(
I'm actually surprised the majority of graphic designers you've been around tend to prefer Apple products. Wouldn't there be a lot of issues with regards to design software compatibility?
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