It's true. We all do it. Our world is just a remix of everything else in the world. Why do I say this? Well, my eyes have been opened to the controversial topic of "intellectual property and content control" - and if you haven't already heard - it's a DOOOZY!
In short, when copyright didn't exist, people could take anyone else's material and do anything they wanted (pass it off as their own, modify it, use it, or even better - build on it to make it better). That's where we found the most advancements in technology as people were free to build to make the world better. Then, they realised - with everyone stealing everyone's ideas and taking credit - why would people create? So the patent was create
As Boldrin says it was "a way of rewarding somebody for coming up with a worthy idea" - the US Constitution says it "promotes the progress of science by securing ... exclusive right to their discoveries."
Well that's all well and good - very logical. But now - everything is patented and now nobody can create anything without getting down to some hefty legal matters! As Boldrin states: "intellectual property law needs to strike a balance between providing sufficient incentive for creation and the freedom to make use of existing ideas."
So that got me thinking. Our world operates off building off each other's ideas - it's what inspires us. One single person will never have all the answers - but collectively - we just might. As Lessig notes, scientists build upon the work of other scientists - it was a necessity! One may have spent a lifetime discovering one theory... so someone else would have to take over. "Creators here and everywhere are always building upon the creativity that went before and that surrounds them."
And I think that is the way it should be.
Here, I would like to throw in a word that we often use in design: "referencing." Every designer and artist creates, inspired by other works and often "referencing" other works (even if it is subconsciously without knowing). It's just how it works. Nothing is original anymore - we take aspects of ideas and build off it. The first step in the creative process (drilled into us from our design course) is to RESEARCH and find REFERENCES and INSPIRATION. So just like science, art and design NEEDS existing ideas to function. In fact, we have even been taught to "reference" our inspirations as not only a sign of respect but also to give credibility to the work.
In terms of how a balance can be met with the crazy world of copyrighting today in music and more importantly it seems - technology - I'm really at a loss of words. All I can say is that, when it comes to art - I think referencing is fine - great, needed and beneficial - but just plain stealing someone's work without crediting them is just wrong. People need to use common sense and show some respect.
Cover bands and Appropriations of Art is referencing and I love it! It's not stealing someone's work, it's building a whole new meaning around that work.
- Mona Lisa and Starry Night appropriated together (as seen at the top)
- Over the Rainbow from Wizard of Oz covered by Me First and the Gimmes Gimmes
If you are interested in reading further about how the world has become a remix: this guy, Kirby Ferguson is amazing and his videos rock! Everything is a Remix.
Everything is a Remix Part 3 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.