Well, it doesn't look like twitter wants to work on my computer. This is what shows up every time I try to go on the site. It's been like this all week! Hopefully I can get it sorted out pretty soon.
Such is technology though, you can't always rely completely on it. Sometimes it just doesn't do what you want it to.
In other news, I thought of another interesting focus idea for my major research project revolving around the role of social networking in creating a surveillance society - a world where not only is technology and the media always monitoring and tracking our every move, but we are being conditioned to WANT to give out our information e.g. status updates. I did some research on this for another class last year and it is pretty scary some of the information I found! Fascinating topic.
*** Edit ***
Just tried it on my mac... and also no :(
Glad to see you are using Chrome Annie :) Re twitter - why don't you try using tweetdeck and avoid the whole problem?
Wouldn't have it any other way haha. I will definitely try and check out tweetdeck this week... fingers crossed!
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