Saturday, July 30, 2011

Twitter - why won't you work? :'(

Well, it doesn't look like twitter wants to work on my computer. This is what shows up every time I try to go on the site. It's been like this all week! Hopefully I can get it sorted out pretty soon.

Such is technology though, you can't always rely completely on it. Sometimes it just doesn't do what you want it to.

In other news, I thought of another interesting focus idea for my major research project revolving around the role of social networking in creating a surveillance society - a world where not only is technology and the media always monitoring and tracking our every move, but we are being conditioned to WANT to give out our information e.g. status updates. I did some research on this for another class last year and it is pretty scary some of the information I found! Fascinating topic.

*** Edit ***
Just tried it on my mac... and also no :(

Monday, July 25, 2011

So, I'm now on Twitter - (I think)

Oh Wow - So, you made it to my blog!

Awesome, cause it sure was a trek to get it set up. Well, I may be exaggerating a little. Setting up my blog was really not so bad after finally working out which email address I had previously used for my old blogger account, then the password, then getting my account "verified" by having a "verification code" sent to my phone when there is absolutely no reception at Uni (thank you Vodaphone so very much).

However, making a Twitter account was a completely different story. I'm not sure if any of you guys are having any trouble "joining?" I must have attempted to join at least 20 times in the course of today with no luck. It looks like Twitter just does not want me to join. To be honest though, I don't really want me to join. That's right. I'm one of those cynical Twitter haters; I've managed this long.....and iPhones? Yep, don't like those either.

Boy, this blog is turning out quite negative isn't it? Pretty ironic when actually, I'm kinda looking forward to seeing how this Twitter thing actually works. A lot of people use it and a lot of people are addicted - so there MUST be some merit. We will see, we will see. But really, I'm rambling a little - which according to a certain Dustin M. Wax, is a big No No (see Point 5). So, I should probably start at the beginning and introduce myself and what this blog actually is.

Hello. My name is Annie and I currently study Graphic Design/Marketing, Advertising & Digital Media at UOW. This semester, I am taking a class, DIGC202: Global Networks, where a major part of the course involves blogging and "tweeting" about what we learn and think about the course content as well as commenting on what others in the course have to say.

The other assessment is a research task focusing on a topic basically of our own choosing related to the course. I am particularly interested in the media, social networking's impact on society, globalisation's impact on the "local" and if I have to be specific - how this all influences and relates to the world of art, design and music.

Well, that's really all for now. But here's links to my other pages handy.

Twitter: .... oh ok looks like Twitter is still playing up for me. It refuses to open on my computer. Excellent! But I think that when I finally managed to join before it worked soooo... Great start =] I believe the user name is @AnnieatUow

*** Oh just another thing: I'm going to be very open to Twitter this semester and I'm sure it will open my eyes to a whole new type of social networking but looks like I'm not the only one against Twitter, found some anti-Twitter sites. 24 Reasons Why Twitter Sucks and Twittersucks. Haha, pretty funny.

Cheers for reading! Happy Week 1 of Uni everybody!